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New turbine to harness wave power

"A turbine designed to be the forerunner of the UK's first commercial wave power station has been officially switched on in Argyll and Bute."

Category: Energy sources


Geo-engineering: A quick fix for global warming

"It's the stuff of science fiction, but could mirrors in space or sea water sprayed in the air be shortcuts to halt global warming?"

Category: Climate Change


Nasa's lander samples Mars water

"Nasa's Phoenix lander spacecraft has for the first time identified water in a sample of soil collected from the planet's surface."

Category: Space


Energy: Tapping the power of organic waste

"Britain has fallen well behind much of Europe when it comes to utilising manure from farms and waste from abattoirs and food processors to create gas and electricity. But that could soon change."


A robot 'love story'

"The University of the West of England's David McGoran takes his Heart Robot on a touchy feely tour, while Matt Denton of Micromagic Systems explains how his facial recognition robot works."

Category: Robotics

Displaying results 2021 to 2025 out of 2977